In this post we are going deeper in the Dynamic Data project, looking at the Oura Ring dynamic data (library available here on GitHub and at NPM). Opening the library, you’ll see there are three different types of data files: ActivitySummary, SleepSummary and ReadinessSummary Learn more about dynamic data generators and benefits of artificial data in software development. About the data source?Oura Ring is a smart ring (fitness tracker) that fits on the users finger, that monitors several metrics:
Approach used 3 separate mockup files were created for the 3 different data objects:
The oura-mockups package imports the aforementioned files and goes through them generating (artificial) new data using proprietary functions, such as those found in the utils package. For example, with the ReadinessSummary object:
Use Case Ideas
Explore entirely new use cases
Ideas to combine with some other data sources Combing with other Health devices to provide greater context towards some activities e.g. Fitbit, Garmin, Strava, Whoop. Or with some entirely different segment data, like air quality, weather, location or similar to find interesting new applications for the data. Open Source data library We welcome contributions and forks to this data set, and look forward to seeing what developers build in our Liberty. Equality. Data Slack channel. Considerations for next version/improvements General Improvements
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